Kingdom Manga

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Kingdom (Japanese: キングダム, Hepburn: Kingudamu) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Yasuhisa Hara. It has been serialized in Shueisha’s seinen manga magazine Weekly Young Jump since January 2006, with its chapters collected in 72 tankōbon volumes as of May 2024. Kingdom provides a fictionalized account of the Warring States period primarily through the experiences of the war orphan Xin and his comrades as he fights to become the greatest general under the heavens, and in doing so, unifying China for the first time in 500 years.

Plot :

Born during China’s Warring States period, orphans Xin and Piao work as servants in Qin but dream of becoming great generals. One day, Piao is taken to the palace by a minister, and months later, he returns mortally wounded, urging Xin to go to another village. There, Xin meets Ying Zheng, the King of Qin, who Piao served as a body double. Despite his initial anger, Xin helps Ying Zheng reclaim the throne from his half-brother Cheng Jiao. Xin begins his military career, striving to become the greatest general and assist King Zheng in unifying China to end the warfare.

Historical context :

The story of Kingdom is a fictional adaptation of the Chinese history period known as the Warring States period, which ended in 221 BC when Ying Zheng, king of Qin, succeeded in conquering the other states and unifying China.

Several of the characters are based on historical figures. Many characters will take the names of people in history and other times they will have completely different names; oftentimes, this is the result of Japanese kanji borrowing from Chinese characters, and some Chinese names have no equivalent characters in kanji.

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